Practical Information for Tenants
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Serving you as a tenant
In the building where you rent, VENI Metering handles the metering, distribution, and billing of electricity on behalf of the property owner. As a tenant, you get detailed insights into your own electricity consumption. At the same time, the property owner has a complete overview of the total consumption in the building.
Ordering an Electricity Subscription
Ordering an Electricity Subscription
Are you moving into a commercial building with electricity meters from VENI Metering? We assist you with ordering and registering with the utility company, as well as providing you with the necessary information about your installation. If you already have information about your installation, you can register as a customer here.
If you have an AMS meter from VENI Metering, the meter is registered in Elhub so you can choose your electricity supplier. You must contact your desired electricity supplier yourself. If you want an electricity contract with VENI Metering, please call us at 32 24 22 30 or send .

Need more help? Frequently Asked Questions
Electricity agreement:
What is my consumption?
You can find your consumption on “My Page” or on your invoice.
How does meter reading work?
There is a separate meter reading the consumption at your rented premises. This allows you to monitor your consumption while providing overview for the property manager. Your meter has a serial number called a meter number
What is my grid tariff?
VENI Metering invoices according to the same grid tariff as the local grid owner. If you want to know more about your grid tariff, please contact your local grid owner.
What is the grid consumption fee?
The grid consumption fee is a charge that the grid owner collects on behalf of the state.
I currently receive both grid and electricity from VENI Metering. Do I have the option for another electricity supplier?
If your property manager has not signed a collective agreement for the entire building, you can arrange with an external electricity supplier for electricity delivery to your meter. You will need to provide the metering point ID, customer name, address, and organization number/date of birth.
What is an El-certificate?
The scheme is Norwegian-Swedish and is intended to support the development of additional renewable energy. The El-certificate is issued to power producers who generate renewable energy, and they can trade the El-certificates on the power exchange. The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) manages the scheme in Norway, and electricity suppliers are required to purchase El-certificates on behalf of the end user and pass on the cost through the electricity bill. For more information, see
Reduced Electricity Tax
Your company may be entitled to a reduced electricity tax. To receive a reduced rate or exemption from the tax, certain criteria must be met and documented to the utility company. The customer is responsible for providing correct and necessary information. Read more on the Tax Administration’s website § 3-12.
Please fill out and return this form (Norwegian only) to VENI Metering if your business is entitled to a reduced electricity tax.
Disconnection and Reconnection Fees
In the event of disconnection and subsequent reconnection of installations that have been shut off due to non-payment, disconnection and reconnection fees will apply.
How often do I receive an invoice from VENI Metering?
VENI Metering sends invoices monthly in arrears.
Why do I receive two invoices for the same meter?
You receive one invoice from your electricity supplier for the electricity itself and one invoice from VENI Metering for the grid charges.
Do I need to use the KID number for payments to VENI Metering?
Yes. It is very important that you use the correct KID number for the payment so that it is applied to your subscription. If you have more than one subscription, it will not be possible to use the same KID number for multiple payments.
What do miscellaneous charges, invoice fees, reminder fees, and late payment interest mean on my grid invoice?
Miscellaneous charges on the invoice you receive can include, for example, invoice fees, late payment interest, or reminder fees. If you receive a paper invoice, an invoice fee will apply. If we need to send a written collection notice due to late payment, a reminder fee will be charged on the next invoice. If you do not pay an invoice by the due date, late payment interest will apply. The late payment interest will appear on the next invoice.
Can I receive an electronic invoice from VENI Metering?
Yes, we offer electronic invoices in EHF format or via email as a PDF file.
Can I choose direct debit from VENI Metering?
VENI Metering offers direct debit, which you can set up in your online bank. Contact your bank if you need more information.
Customer Service
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