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Sustainability Part of the Solution Through Our Services

Through our service, VENI Metering is a partner for our customers in their energy management efforts. Thus, we are a part of the solution when developing society in a more sustainable direction. Overall, we are committed to conducting our business in a sustainable, ethical and commercially viable way.

Our services help customers transition to sustainable solutions

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a key climate change target. VENI Metering helps our customers transition to more sustainable operations, laying the foundation for enhanced sustainability reporting and energy efficiency initiatives.

Clear understanding of the building’s energy flow

Our service includes comprehensive and continuous insight into energy consumption at the current time resolution for all meters within the building. This provides an overview of all energy data and an understanding of energy flow, facilitating energy efficiency.

Correct data for sustainability reporting

To assist our customers with sustainability reporting, we provide precise energy usage data for ESG reporting and analysis. Quality-assured data are easily accessible in the VENI portal.

Efficient use of solar energy

In collaboration with our partners, we offer metering solutions that optimize the use of electricity generated by solar panels mounted on commercial buildings. We can also assist in finding solutions that incorporate power storage to optimize the electricity onsite for later economically efficient use. Here, our key role is to deliver precise metering and settlement services.

Sustainable source of your electricity

We help our customers to reduce their environmental footprint by providing various sustainable electricity solutions, ranging from documented fossil-free energy to 100% renewable energy.

Contribute to sustainability through mandatory Electricity Certificates

In Norway and Sweden, an electricity certificate scheme is introduced to support the development of more renewable energy. The certificate itself is issued to producers of renewable energy who can then trade the certificates on the power exchange.


In Norway the scheme is managed by NVE (The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate), and power suppliers are required to purchase electricity certificates on behalf of the end user. This is further invoiced via the electricity bill. For more information, see NVE’s website.

VENI Metering is Committed to Upholding Legal and Ethical Standards

Certified Eco-Lighthouse (Miljøfyrtårn)

VENI Energy Group AS, including VENI Metering AS and Eneas Services AS, has been certified a Eco-Lighthouse (Miljøfyrtårn) member since 2007.

Part of VENI Energy Group

VENI Metering is part of VENI Energy Group, a leading provider of energy services in the Nordics, Germany, and Spain. We manage environmentally friendly power for more than 30,000 customers in the Nordics.

Visit venienergy.com/sustainability